Category Archives: India

New Bird Species Discovered In India

“A striking multi-colored bird has been discovered in India’s remote northeast, making it the first ornithological find in the country in more than half a century, experts said on Tuesday. The Bugun Liocichla, scientifically known as Liocichla bugunorum, a kind of babbler, was discovered in May at the Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary in India’s hilly state of Arunachal Pradesh, bordering China. Experts verified the Bugun Liocichlas as a new species and the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature then approved the name.” Read the full story New bird found in India after more than 50 years at Reuters.

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Pelicans On The Rise In India

“In South India, a slow recovery of the pelican population is taking place. Between them, the southern Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu support 21 breeding colonies, and numbers are on the increase. The pelicanry at Kokkare Bellur, Karnataka, has doubled in size to 400 pairs in recent years, and two new small breeding colonies have been established in the state.” Read the full story Pelicans bounce back on BirdLife International.

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Indian Farmers Inform On Endangered Birds For Cash

Farmers in Madhya Pradesh who find Lesser Floricans on their lands receive cash incentives for information about the endangered bird and for protecting their nests. Since the pilot program began in 2004, the population of Lesser Floricans has increased from 9 to 26 in the Sailana sanctuary. Read the full story Cash incentive scheme gives endangered bird fresh lease of life in the Indian Express.

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Rare Bird Seen After 75 years In Assam, India

The Manipur Bush-Quail, first discovered in the late 1870’s and last seen in the early 1930’s, was thought to be extinct for over 75 years. Two officials from the Manas National Park have spotted what they believe to be a Manipur Bush-Quail in the park. Read the full story Rare bird sighted after 75 years in Asssam in the Deccan Herald.

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The Bird Hospital Of Delhi

In March as part of our visit to Rajasthan in India we had the chance to visit a bird hospital in Delhi. The hospital is run by Jains at the 16th-century Digambara Jain Temple.

Jain Bird Hospital, Delhi, India
Mural on the Jain Bird Hospital

Followers of the Jain religion revere all life and are vegetarians. Some strict observers wear cloths in front of their mouths in order to avoid accidental inhalation of insects, and brush the ground before them as they walk, so as not to step on any living thing.

Unfortunately we arrived at the hospital after the normal opening times and could only have a quick look at the facility. Here are some photos we took at the hospital.

Top left to bottom right: The exterior of the temple complex; the hospital facility; some patient roosts; the “small birds ward”.

The exterior or the temple complex

The hospital facility

Patient roosts

“Small Birds Ward”

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Peacock Prefers Police

Officers at an outpost police station in India rescued an injured peacock about six years ago, and got themselves a mascot in the process. The wild animal was released into the forest by the police at least two times, but the bird always returned to the police station. The bird, called Sonya, “has a wing span of two meters (and) expresses his joy of living with (the police) through his dance and preference to stay at the outpost.” Read the full story Injured bird visits police, stays on as guest in the Times of India.

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