Monthly Archives: August 2007

Schiphol International Airport Concerned About Geese

Schiphol International Airport near Amsterdam has expressed concern over the number of geese living in the area around their runways. In the last five years the number of geese has increased.

The airport authorities are in talks with the Noord Holland provincial government regarding the geese. The large and heavy birds fly in groups and could present safety hazards for planes using the airport.

Source: Schiphol ongerust over ganzen

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Dutch Bird Fair Draws Thousands

The Dutch Bird Fair, which took place over the last weekend of August, attracted 9,000 visitors. The festival raised over 23,000 euros for a project to protect the Red Ibis of Surinam.

Festival visitors were treated with very good sightings of the local resident White-tailed Eagle on both days. On Saturday an Osprey was also spotted in the area, providing another treat for the attendees.

Source: Vogelfestival trekt duizenden bezoekers

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Spring Storm Damage To Bird Population Still Felt

The heavy storms that hit the Dutch Wadden Islands in June has caused permanent damage to the bird population.

The storm hit the island birds late in the breeding season, meaning that survivors, already weak and exhausted from fleeing to safety, were unable to start a second nest.

Common Redshank and Common Terns were the most affected by the storms, but exact numbers are not known as these birds are not monitored as closely as some other breeds.

At least 100 Spoonbill nests were destroyed in the storms, and 150 Spoonbills drowned.

Of approximately 5000 Black-headed Gull nests, 2000 were lost.

Source: Blijvende schade aan vogelpopulatie na storm juni

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Belgian Storks Ready For Migration

Starting in mid-August, young white storks from northern Europe begin their migration south. In Belgium this year a record 91 baby storks were hatched, and they are getting ready for the long flight south.

Data collected in Belgium found 65 pairs of stork breeding in the country in the 2007 season. The record 91 young storks will begin their migration before their parents. Their instincts tell them where to fly.

The project ‘Storks without Borders’ fitted storks with satellite devices which helps scientists understand the migration patterns of European storks. Up to two thirds of Belgian storks will overwinter in Spain or Portugal. The rest will go to Africa, some as far south as Senegal.

In the Netherlands this year almost 1000 young storks were hatched, and several thousand were bred in Germany. Most German storks follow a different migration route from the lowlands birds and will head towards Turkey and eastern Africa.

Source: Belgische ooievaars klaar voor trek naar zuiden

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Increase In Dutch Illegal Bird Trade

The Dutch authorities have confiscated 2199 illegally traded birds in the Netherlands so far this year. That is almost double the number confiscated in the same period last year.

The illegal bird trade in the Netherlands continues to flourish because the rewards are so high. Some birds, such as raptors, sell for as much as 400 euros.

The illegally traded birds are often banded so they can be traded more openly. But the banding is sometimes done by unqualified banders which results in injuries to the birds.

Source: Grote stijging in beslag genomen vogels

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Starving Vultures Cause Panic In Pyrenees

10,000 hungry vultures are causing panic in the Pyrenees and Basque Country. They have been attacking live animals and have also been aggressive towards humans.

The vultures are starving due to a new EU directive which prohibits farmers from leaving cattle carcasses on their land to rot. The dead animals must now be burned or disposed of in another way. The initiative is to prevent disease spread among cattle but the results have been devastating for the vultures.

Live cows have been attacked by vultures and a farmer in the Pyrenees witnessed a group of vultures trying to eat the leg of a living sheep.

In France, a man among a group of elderly walkers died during an outing and his companions were threatened by a group of vultures as they tried to get at the dead man.

Source: Hongerige vale gieren zaaien paniek in Pyreneeën

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