Category Archives: Endangered

Osprey Returns To Britain After Migration

“A naturally reared English osprey chick has returned home for the first time in 150 years, boosting hopes of reintroducing the bird across Britain. The two-year-old male, identified as R5, left his nest in Rutland Water, Leics, in September 2004 to migrate to western Africa. He recently returned to his birth place.” Read the full story Hopes for osprey colony raised as bird flies home from Africa.

Osprey Hovering
Osprey Hovering by U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service – Northeast Region, Creative Commons on Flickr

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Rare Bird Seen After 75 years In Assam, India

The Manipur Bush-Quail, first discovered in the late 1870’s and last seen in the early 1930’s, was thought to be extinct for over 75 years. Two officials from the Manas National Park have spotted what they believe to be a Manipur Bush-Quail in the park. Read the full story Rare bird sighted after 75 years in Asssam in the Deccan Herald.

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Norwegian Wind Farm Decimates Local Eagles

Turbines from a wind farm on the Smøla islands off the north-west Norwegian coast have killed at least nine white-tailed eagles in the last ten months. This year, only one chick is expected to fledge from a population that used to produce at least 10 chicks a year. The area is now checked weekly for dead birds as pressure mounts on the Norwegian government to improve proposed wind-farm assessments. Read more in the RSPB story Wind farm strikes at eagle stronghold.

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Bird Seen For First Time In 77 Years

A bird guide on the east coast of Australia had what is believed to be the first Beck’s Petrel sighting in 77 years. The guide managed to photograph the bird, according to Bird Life International.

The guide, Richard Baxter, was himself astonished to have taken what is believed to be the only photograph of the Beck’s Petrel. Baxter first believed the bird to be a more common bird, the Tahiti Petrel, but the size and coloration of the photographed bird has indicated the bird is the Beck’s.

The Beck’s Petrel is certainly rare, but Bird Life International lists the bird as threatened rather than extinct. The bird is known to nest on very remote atolls and islands, and the population is thought to be very small.

Source: Vogelsoort na 77 jaar waargenomen

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EU Ministers Discuss Lifting Wild Bird Ban

EU veterinarians are meeting in Brussels today to discuss recommending the lifting of a temporary ban on importing wild birds. The ban was implemented during last year’s bird flu scare. The EU ban has nearly collapsed the wild bird trade in some parts of the world; Europe accounts for 93% of global avian trade following a similar ban in the U.S., implemented in 1992. Read the full story EU urged not to lift its ban on ‘cruel’ import of wild birds in the Independent.

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White-Tailed Eagle Nest Attracts Dutch Birders

The first and only breeding pair of White-Tailed Eagles in the Netherlands is attracting birdwatchers to the Oostvaardersplassen in Lelystad.

Despite the rainy weather, lots of enthusiasts tried to catch a glimpse of the eagles over the weekend. Forest rangers were innundated with questions about the nesting birds.

The rangers have kept the location of the nest a secret, to avoid visitors disturbing the endangered birds. The rangers themselves keep a distance of at least 800 meters from the nest at all times.

The success or failure of the nest will probably not be known until late July, when the chicks, if any, would be ready to fledge. The hatchlings from a first nest often do not survive the fledge, because the young parents do not know how best to teach their young how to fly.

Source: Zeearendnest in Oostvaardersplassen ‘hot’

Related: White-Tailed Eagle Returns To The Netherlands

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Rare Birds In London Halt Fireworks Show

A pair of Peregrine Falcons nesting in London have put a halt to a scheduled fireworks show to kick off a Mozart festival. The protected birds could be disturbed by the pyrotechnics so the festival will offer attendees a free glass of champagne on opening night in lieu of the fireworks. There are currently five breeding pairs of Peregrine Falcons active in London. Read the full story Rare birds put stop to fireworks on the BBC.

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Mink Destroy Bird Colonies In Scotland

Mink are blamed for decimating a colony of seabirds on the Western Isles of Scotland. A colony of 200 pairs of adult terns are struggling to raise just 5 or 6 chicks this season, where normally the group would have at least 100 surviving hatchlings. The mink prey on other native species, including voles. The mink are believed to have been brought to the island from the US to stock fur farms, but were set free as the demand for fur dropped. Read the full story Mink ‘run amok’ in bird colonies on the BBC.

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