When using Google to search the internet, suggested phrases appear after you type in a few letters if you have the auto-complete functionality turned on. It’s a great tool to see what are the top searched phrases that start with words you’re researching.
I had some fun with this tonight by searching for bird-related phrases. When I typed birds are in the search box, two of the top phrases that came up were birds are endotherms or warm-blooded animals. hypothesize how this can be an advantage for the birds and birds are spies they report to the trees. That last one is one of the coolest band names I’ve ever heard of.

Typing birds with led me to birds with funny names which led me to some interesting lists.
Here are a couple of other searches I tried:
where do birds… go when it rains | go during a hurricane
what are birds… we just don’t know | afraid of
why don’t birds… get shocked on power lines | freeze in the winter | have teeth
Have you found any funny or interesting suggestions when using Google?
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