Summer is rushing by and sometimes it feels like I have a bit too much going on. Too much fun, maybe, but certainly too much non-birding stuff!
While looking for birds during the June Challenge, I almost completely neglected my local patch – I only birded there twice! This means there will be no “Birding Gemini Springs” post for June 2012. I hope my readers can forgive this devastating news!
For this little post, I’m playing blog catch-up and returning to my favorite species, the Barred Owl, and the Gemini Springs family made famous in earlier Powered By Birds posts like “I discovered a Barred Owl family at Gemini Springs” and “Barred Owls growing up”.
During visits to the park in May, my luck at finding the Barred Owls continued, mostly to the extremely vocal nature of the hungry juveniles.

Adult Barred Owl | 16 May 2012

Juvenile Barred Owls | 16 May 2012

Adult Barred Owls | 27 May 2012
The babies continued to make handy-for-birders begging hiss noises, even when they were clearly well-fed. Look at this baby hanging on to an Eastern Mole.

Juvenile Barred Owls | 4 June 2012

Juvenile Barred Owls | 4 June 2012
This picture from July 2nd was taken on my most recent visit to Gemini Springs.

Juvenile Barred Owl | 2 July 2012
Yep, it’s been 18 days since I’ve been to my local patch. And that’s just not right! I’m going to have to do something about that…